Based near Bristol, UK, we design, manufacture and maintain LyoDry Freeze Dryers, drawing on a combined experience of over 60 years

MechaTech Systems Ltd are based near Bristol, UK.
Thirty plus years ago, our senior engineers were employed by High Vacuum Technology company, Severn Science Ltd.
Severn Science were then subcontractors and distributors for Edwards Vacuum. Those same engineers carried out installation of control automation to Edwards Freeze Dryers. Today, those engineers form part of our senior management team at MechaTech Systems Ltd.
When Edwards stopped manufacturing Freeze Dryers, we used our considerable knowledge and experience to design and manufacture LyoDry Freeze Dryers. Today, we employ a team of experienced and highly skilled engineers: design, mechanical, electrical and service engineers, as well as our very capable office staff.
We are a hard-working, friendly team and our people are our most valued asset. Our senior management team are former employees of Severn Science Ltd. You can read more about Severn Science and Meet our Team on our sister website mechatechsystems.co.uk.
Since MechaTech Systems' evolution in January 2008, our customer base has grown significantly, both in the UK and worldwide.
We supply to start up and blue chip companies, including pharmaceutical manufacturers, food and beverage producers, nuclear power stations and many universities and government research institutes, both in the UK and overseas.
We continuously invest in our business and product development to ensure that we meet the latest safety and environmental requirements and use the very latest technology.
We work to stringent quality management, health and safety and environmental requirements.We are certified to ISO9001 and registered and audited by Achilles UVDB.
Customer satisfaction and quality assurance are paramount, and we receive excellent feedback.
In 2018, we were proud to celebrate our tenth successful year in business.
MechaTech Systems supply to a broad and constantly growing client base, from start-up R&D companies to large blue chip pharma, nuclear and decommissioning, government, aerospace and defence, oil and gas, cosmetics manufacturers, food and beverage producers, universities and research institutes, both in the UK and worldwide.
Our Freeze Dryer client list includes GE, EDF, Thermo Fisher, Unilever, English Heritage, Kew, John Innes, Food & Environment Agency, Animal Health & Plant Agency, most UK universities and many overseas universities. A celebrated London restaurant purchased a LyoDry Compact benchtop freeze dryer to use in their showcase experimental kitchen/restaurant.
LyoDry Freeze Dryers can be found in all corners of the globe, including the Swedish Abisko Research Station, Harvard University and the Vietnamese Research Academy. Our Freeze Drying Chambers and Accessories have travelled as far afield as Iceland, the US, and the Far East.
Customer satisfaction and quality assurance are paramount. We work to stringent quality management, health and safety and environmental requirements:
ISO9001:2015 certified
Achilles UVDB Registered suppliers
Achilles UVDB Verify B1 audited
IOSH certified
F-Gas certified
NDA Highly Commended
We are in direct Framework Agreements with Tier One customers and Highly Commended by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.
We receive excellent customer feedback, not only about the quality of our products, but also for our customer service and after sales support.